This 4th-level adventure follows the events in Muscle, Sinew, and Wood and is the climactic conclusion of the first arc of the Asatania campaign story. Players will help the exiled leader of the Windsome Chain islands push the Kan Demon out of Harborhume and allow him to reclaim his throne.
Publisher's blurb: "On the run for days, the players finally get the opportunity to strike back against the Kan Demon invasion. The portside town of Harborhume is under the control of the invaders, but the garrison is weak and the populace restless. Can the players rally the townsfolk and take back Harborhume? The risk is high, but the rewards higher still!"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Author: Michael Cerny
Publishers' Reference: AS4
ISBN: n/a
PPF, 32 pages
Date: June 2016
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Product page last updated: 19 May 2017