Due to working from home, I'm not maintaining much of a review schedule - working hard and taking lunch with my husband rather than curled up in my office! - so few reviews have been tweeted @RPGResource, also please note that due to sustained harassment and abuse I'm not reading Twitter any more. Please contact me via this website instead.
Support Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières by making a donation at DriveThruRPG - they are always quick to render aid wherever it is needed.
My intention with this site is to build up a comprehensive overview of role-playing games (the pen & paper sort, not computer games), concentrating on supporting and enhancing role-playing and bringing new and unusual systems into the limelight as well as supporting the better known ones, and maintaining information about the 'golden oldies' that are still loved even if they are no longer supported by their publishers.
All comments & suggestions welcome - Megan Robertson.
Look for DriveThruRPG, Paizo, RPG Now, & Amazon links on individual product pages

Check out DriveThruRPG's Gamers Save and Support Great Causes page for current fundraising efforts, and do your best to support them, please.