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Babylon 5 RPG 1e: The Coming of Shadows

The Coming of Shadows

This book gives the opportunity for GMs to weave their own campaigns around the universe-shaking events of the TV show - providing episode information (in case you've forgotten it) plus plenty more background and ideas.

Publisher's blurb: "The Coming of Shadows is a sourcebook for the Babylon 5 roleplaying game, exploring in detail the personalities and events of 2259. Used in conjunction with Chapter 8 of the main rulebook, Signs and Portents, Games Masters can now accurately extend their campaigns and story arcs beyond 2258 to include the dramatic galaxy-shaking events detailed here.

"Every episode of the second season of the Babylon 5 television show is fully covered in The Coming of Shadows, along with numerous scenario and campaign hooks that will make it easy to integrate them with ongoing story arcs already unfolding in current games. As described in Chapter 9 of the main rulebook, Campaigns on Babylon 5, players can witness or even become directly involved in these events, engaging in story arcs of their own that may put them at the centre of the galaxy alongside the heroes of the television show. This sourcebook also includes the main personalities found on board Babylon 5, updated from those that appeared in the main rulebook in 2258, as well as featuring a few new faces. New rules additions, equipment and vehicles are also featured, expanding the Babylon 5 roleplaying game no matter where or when the Games Master chooses to set his story arcs and campaigns."

Megan's review

Book Details:
Authors: Matthew Sprange & August Hahn
Publishers' Reference: MGP3331
ISBN: 1-904577-18-0
Paperback, 144 pages
Date: August 2003

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Product page last updated: 19 November 2019