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The Esoterrorists 2e: Albion`s Ransom: Worm of Sixty Winters

Albion's Ransom: Worm of Sixty Winters

So now we know what was behind the Beast from the East (an exceptional cold spell that hit the UK in 2019). This is the sequel to Little Girl Lost, or played as a stand-alone as preferred.

Publisher's blurb: "An Esoterrorist weather control ritual has brought sudden blizzards and extreme temperatures to an unsuspecting England. This they hope will be the first stage of the Fimbulvetr of Norse mythology - a dreadful winter that lasts three full years and heralds Ragnarok, the Viking apocalypse.

"You are the American team - brought in as experts in your field - that failed to stop that ritual.

"Now only you can prevent the Esoterrorists from causing irreparable damage to the Membrane. In a hazardous chase across a snow-covered Britain, facing sinister cultists, terrifying bikers and ordinary people taking desperate measures to survive the extraordinary circumstances, you must use all your resourcefulness just to carry on.

"Featuring additional adventure seeds by Matthew Sanderson which focus on individual tales of horror to personalise the impact of Britain under snow, Worms of Sixty Winters allows your players to fully experience the breakdown of society in the Esoterrorists' greatest threat to the Membrane."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Ian Sturrock and Matthew Sanderson
Publishers' Reference: PELG013
ISBN: 978-1-908983-53-4
Paperback, 80 pages
Date: June 2013

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Product page last updated: 15 April 2020